
Monday 31 October 2011

ambil hati...

hye readers,
huh..kononnye la nk edit blog..xp..x habis belaja dgn lastly i stop n started to merepek here... okay..rasenye mcm nk kali ni nk story sal ambil hati la...memandangkan kdg2 teddy sendiri pown senang ambil hati dgn care n perbuatan org pada teddy..
whhoopps! do you think "ambil hati" tu means cube tarik perhatian??no no no..!
yang teddy nk cite ni adelarh ade kene mengena dgn terasa..yes! terasa dgn kate2..terasa dgn perbuatan..
yes i know, no one is perfect in this world..kadg2 kite sendiri pown x perasan y kite pown ade wat org ambil hati dgn kate2 kite.. and itu pown terjadi pada org laen.. sometimes they don't know that we make them feel uneasy with us..

bnde ni blh terjadi pd sape2..even ur family too..this is because we are human..
truly teddy ade hati y sgt lmbut..n cepat sgt terasa ng tindakan and kate2 org..n seriously, sometimes teddy nangis sendiri sbb terasa..walaupn bnde tu pkare kecik je.. waahh!! muke je ganas..hati lmbut..
and selalunye bile teddy da terasa..teddy just keep shut up and try not to cry..wah..pkare kecil pown teddy blh terasa nieyh..

huh! my chest pain.. when writing about this..maybe teddy perlu ubah diri teddy supaya lebih kuat and x fikir bukan2.. and i'm so sorry to anyone y pernah ambil hati ng kate2 teddy.. or teddy pernah terambil hati ng kate2 dy..i'm so sorry..and i try to be a better person in future..

p/s: trying hardly to think positive..=)

Tuesday 25 October 2011


kakak!!bli kn la ammar game!! 
tumbuk laju2 bdak ni kunk..baru dy sedar diri...

hahaha..acctually..teddy da terjanji kat adeq lelaki teddy ni..
pas habis peperiksaan akhir tahun..teddy nk bg dy games..
memandangkan teddy pown banyak la jugak game dalam laptop nieyh..

ok!bile da habis peperiksaan..teddy dengan bangge nye menunjukkan game2 y ade dlm laptop teddy..
and nak taw ape dy kate??
"ni game pompuan..Ammar kan lelaki..nk game y mencabar..."
pergh!! bengang sgt nieyh..bersemangt teddy tunjuk..dy blh reject mcm tu jer..
huh! seb baek la sorg je adeq lelaki..kalo tiga2 adeq lelaki..maw tgolek rumah ni..

by the way..teddy da bli kn cd game tuk dak cik ni..tibe2!!!!
x boleyh pullak bkk kat laptop dy..pergh!!nk menangis rasenye jd kakak nieyh...
rase mcm nk letak jawatan jd kakak...\

okay skrg ni teddy da x taw nk wat plak game kat internet..wargh!!
pengorbanan seorang kakak..xp xde..sume nye siket2..sape la nk bg game free kn?
dan sekarang ni teddy buntu lg..n si tembam ni kat sebelah teddy wat muke seposen...

c Ammar y mrh..hahaha..dak cik ni kekadg comel jgk..ikot muke kakak dy!! hahhaa
*perasan siket..

ok la..misi cr game lg utk c gemuk ni..

Wednesday 19 October 2011

He Who Can't Married

Cho Jae Hee is a man in his 40s who is very stubborn and hasn’t gotten married yet. His personality is so unbearable that women don’t find him attractable nor a good candidate for marriage. However, Jae Hee, is perfect in everything that he does. His life will be surrounded by three different women. Jang Moon Jung is a doctor that he meets one day, Jung Yoo Jin is his neighbor whom he meets due to a disturbance, and Yang Jung Ah is his colleague at work.

Ji Jin Hee as Cho Jae Hee
Uhm Jung Hwa as Jang Moon Jung
Kim So Eun as Jung Yoo Jin
Yoo Ah In as Park Hyun Kyu
Yang Jung Ah as Yoon Ki Ran

cite ni best la jgk..xtaw la ni cite bru ke cite lame.. y pntg every Monday to Thursday ..
3.30 p.m at KBSW...more than you imagine..ahahaha...

ok! cite ni mmg best n kelakar..sbb tgk reaksi pd lelaki y lgsung x percaya pd perkahwinan..
dy akn bg seribu jwpn bile org sebut tntg kahwin..try la tgk!!

Tuesday 18 October 2011


ari ni teddy bkk fb..(mcm la smlm x bukak)
than tibe2 teddy mgerakkn tetikus n type name bekas kawan baek teddy..
Loqman Halim..or name FB dy Loque Brittania .. than
okay jmpe da fb dy..teddy pown stalker la fb dy..n teddy realize y
teddy sgt2 rindukn bekas kwn baik teddy ni...(siyesly)
xp sbb perangai dy y x blh d terime..teddy remove dy dr friend list teddy..i just don't want to hurt myself..

once u become my friends, u will be my friends forever..
tu prinsip teddy..but not him.. he is my very best friend..but he easily make our friendship over...
hey you loqman! you know what!! i may be miss you..but i will never become ur fren anymore..

betul larh org ckp..sometimes bnde y kite hargai sgt tu y akn mkn diri kite..
it is very hard for me to find a friend like you..and i really hope i will never have a friend like you anymore..

just hope u happy n take care of yourself.. <sorry sbb i remove you.>

Monday 17 October 2011

mase bossan

holla readers!!

wargh...da lbeyh seminngu kat rumah..siyesly..sgt2 boossaaann...
x taw nk wat perw.. mummy n daddy dah sah2 la g keje dr pg kn??
n my yougest bro..of cos la g skola...
n me.. just stay at home..wake up at 12..
watch TV.. da hafal darncgn TV for the whole week...
12 to 1:Coffee Prince kat NTV7,
1 to 2 :  tgk lak Awan Dania kat Astro Ria,
2 to 3 : bru la mgerakkn kaki ke bilik air utuk mandi...
3 to 4 : tgk Dragon Ball kat  Astro Ceria.. (jd kank2 skejap!! )  
3.30 to 4.30 :  He Who Can't Married kat KBSW.. 
4  to 5 : bru cr mknn...
 5  to 6 : TV2 Pasta! 
than bru la berpikir nk wat keje len seperti mngonline segala...

mmg full kn jadual teddy dlm 1 hari?? hah!! jadual hari2 y same dan membosankn..
okay teddy mmg terpikir nk keje kat kedai majalah dulu..xp lupe la nk col boss!
esok la..huk hik hik.. daddy pong da mrh da..asik duk umh n mgemokkan badan... 
(seriously..bdn da mcm belon!)

p/s: please don't hurt me again.. it is very pain...

Friday 14 October 2011


hye readers...
wah!!lame beno x update kat blog ni kn...
teddy x busy..just kemalasan tu dtg tanpe 5 min..than started to boring....

warrhh!! da habis blaja ni..sume org suo teddy g cr kerja..
uhu!mmg sng pown nk cr keje..sbb tu smpi ary ni x dpt....

ckp senang beb!! sush..plak tu teddy ni kalo nk keje..pheww!! phm2 je la... byk sgt syarat y d beri..

mama bg syarat tu..papa bg syarat ni...ehmm kalo nk ikot syarat2 y d beri..tggu teddy bkk co.snirik la jwbnye kn??

hahaaa.. okay..smbung cite cr kerja..mmg sush nk cr keje ni.
nk jd penganggur kat umah pown..pnt jgk... sakit dah pinggang den ni hah!!

asik baring, tgk tv, mkn..pastu ptg bjalan...
penat..penat... xp siyesly..mmg teddy igt nk cr kerja sementara..
insyaAllah..if ade rezeki..teddy smbung la blajar lg ke peringkt sterusnye..tgk pd rezeki kn?

so hope u oll doakn la y terbaik untuk teddy ye.??

p/s: smbung cr kerja..@_@

Saturday 1 October 2011

dah habis diploma???

hey!! hah!!post teddy hari ni berbunga2..sbb da habis paper...waaaaa....
mmg x sbr menntikn saat2 nieyh...
xp seriously...teddy akn rindu kn saat2 diploma ni...

dgn ahli kelas y kecik dan comel... 14 org dlm batch kami...sikitkn..
kalo org dgr msti ckp.."yeke?? sikitnyee??"

xp tu larh hakikatnye...Diploma In Investment Analysis batch 2008-2011 1de 14 org..
n kami x d nafikn..d sygi oleh lecturer2..cewaahh!! hahhahahaa...

than teddy ade kwn2 baek y sgt setia ng teddy..dr awl teddy kat UiTM Arau nieyh..smpi la teddy habis..

Aen n ecah.. dorg berdua je y phm khendak teddy..ikot ape je y teddy nk..taw ape y teddfy suke or teddy x..
n dorg berdua la ade ng teddy bile teddy btl2 dlm keadaan ssh..
ya! teddy mmg nyusahkn mereka.. mane teddy nk cr kwn mcm dorg??

pasni teddy harap sgt..pkenalan kite sume x berakhir..hope sume igt teddy dlm kengn diorg..
hope sgt2.. =)

by the way guys..siyesly..i will miss u ollz.. u ollz are d best..

i will neva eva 4get every moment y kite ade bersama.. gonna misshhh u olzz...

kat sume y kenal teddy kat UiTM Arau neyh...=))